XX Anniversary of TDLS Conference   1995 - 2015
Abstracts Submission

Abstracts for posters, oral presentations, and for invited talks must be submitted by April 1, 2015. Abstracts are accepted in electronic form and should be sent to: tdls@nsc.gpi.ru
'Word' format of abstracts is required. Abstracts will not be edited. Authors are fully responsible for both appearance and content of their submission.
The title should be centered and typed in upper case. The name(s), affiliation and address(es) of the author(s) should be centered and typed in upper and lower case letters. Abstracts should be typed single spaced using Times 12 pt font. Margins should be at least the following: top - 3.5 cm; bottom - 2.5 cm; right - 2.5 cm; left - 2.5 cm (3 cm for Letter size paper).
Maximum length is one page.

Size of boards for posters is 120cm (width) by 100cm (height).

Deadline for abstracts submission is April 1, 2015.

Please refer to this sample abstract (MS Word Format).

TDLS-2015 Book of Abstracts is available for download.

We are looking forward to see you at TDLS-2015